

The devil is loose out there

July 01, 2019


Don’t ever think that the devil will appear in the shape of a big-nose, sulfur-smell monster, with red eyes and a pair of horns on his head. Its nature is, of course, not physical, but spiritual, and this is why, for men and women who only “see to believe”, he, as well as his demons, become very difficult to identify.

The devil knows man very well… he has been around long, long, time. Not in vain, there is a slogan that says “The devil knows more by being old than by being devil”, and he has had plenty of time around man. He knows what we like, what we need, how we behave, our weaknesses, our strengths, our desires.

He will approach us when we are most vulnerable, weak, and down. And we have to acknowledge that we will be weak at one point -or two, during our lives. This is when, very subtle and sneaky, the devil seduces us, whispering close to our ears terrible ideas and thoughts, in such a way that we may think those are our own.

The torture begins, then. The devil will resource to his arsenal of lies, depending on the situation we are facing. Feelings like guilt, mistrust, jealously, envy, lust, anxiety, and the like, will torment us. But that doesn’t stop there. Once we are under such “spell”, our behavior towards others will provoke more pain, not only on us, but also on the others. We may become, then, violent, greedy, selfish, promiscuous, corrupted, disrespectful, and vengeful. In severe cases, people become thieves, perverted, rapists or murderers. And in every case, the devil is behind… and we don’t even notice it.

The problem is that, for the devil, one sole individual inside his bag is too little for his ambition. He will go further, indeed. He next aims to attack the family. He knows family is the base of any society, the foundation block, the living cell. So, he will do whatever to break it, trying different ways. Disputes, conflicts, discussion, and fights, for many reasons, until each member of the family grows apart, becoming stranded from one another, separated.

Furthermore, the devil can go after entire countries. His demons will use people who are already under evil influence; those who have already fallen in the devil’s trap. But, still, the society may not recognize them, because these evil individuals will mislead and speak what people want to hear. And once they control, and corrupt, all authorities in the country and its institutions, including finances, the education system, the judiciary, the army, then they will start showing their true face and purpose. By then, no more freedom, and when there is no freedom, people become very vulnerable; some will get corrupted and start deceiving, cheating, stealing, exploiting; while others become desperate, hopeless, bitter, and frustrated. And the devil does not see race, gender, age, culture…

The devil is a cunning enemy, that requires formidable counterattacking tools. Firstly, we need to learn how to identify evil-influenced people who has a devilish agenda, because “They come to you in sheep clothing; but inside they are voracious wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits (Mt 7:15-16)”.

  • They will appear charming, but their eyes and actions will show falsehood.
  • They will preach their care for the people, but they start dividing and discriminating.
  • They will not accept criticism, and they will blame others on everything that goes wrong. They will cheat and lie constantly.
  • They will promise many good things, but very few will be fulfilled.
  • They will control the information going in and out, not only the present, but also the past, to the extent of changing the history, patriotic icons, and religious beliefs.
  • They will create scarcity of jobs and basic needs, such as food, medicines, transportation, etc to make people busy trying to procure them.
  • They will make alliances with nontraditional partners, that have the same ways.
  • And ultimately, they will use violence, repression, and terrorism just to keep in power.

When you awake, you realize that you have lost your country, your family, and yourself. The attack is global, against all humanity. 

There are ways to counteract the advances of the devil. All of them blessings from God.

  • We shall, first, consciously declare the war against evil, casting the devil out, from our minds and bodies.
  • We shall strengthen our morals by getting educated. That will bring us wisdom to discriminate good from evil.
  • We shall develop virtues like:
    • alertness to spot the presence of evil
    • determination to fight it
    • perseverance not to give up
    • patience to not lose focus
    • courage to fight the fears
  • We shall grow in faith, that will take us closer to God, our eternal protection against the devil and its minions.


Are you ready to fight the devil and his demons? The devil is loose out there… and he is after you.


Please remember to take a look at the book Sicamor. Thanks!

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